NCERT Books Class 6: With 3D PDF Flipbook

If you are studying in class 6 on the CBSE board, then your relevant source of study materials is NCERT Books class 6. NCERT is a governmental educational organization in India responsible for developing and publishing academic curricula and resources for elementary to higher secondary education.

NCERT publishes textbooks for elementary to higher secondary levels for various subjects, followed by the CBSE curriculum and other educational boards across India. In addition, NCERT also publishes supplementary materials such as Notes, educational kits, teacher guidelines, video content, etc.

NCERT also always involves developing Textbook standards, a curriculum framework, exam patterns, Teacher Training and Capacity Building, Educational Research, Development of Supplementary Materials, Promotion of Innovation in Education, etc. So, if you want to improve your academic success, then you can follow these supplementary solutions, which we are providing in 3D PDF format. More information about NCERT: (

Also Check: NCERT Books Class 5

NCERT Books Class 6 in 3D PDF

  Hindi Vasant 
पाठ 1. वह चिड़िया जो (Lesson 1. The bird that)
पाठ 2. बचपन (Lesson 2. Childhood)
पाठ 3. नादान दोस्त (Lesson 3. Idiot Friend)
पाठ-4. चाँद-से-थोड़ी-सी-गप्पें-Lesson-4. A-little-chat-with-the-moon)
पाठ 5. साथी हाथ बढ़ाना (Lesson 5. Lending a Partner Hand)
पाठ 6. ऐसे-ऐसे (Lesson 6. Like this)
पाठ 7. टिकट एल्बम (Lesson 7. Stamp Album)
पाठ 8. झांसी की रानी (Lesson 8. Queen of Jhansi)
पाठ-9.-जो-देखकर-भी-नहीं-देखते (Lesson-9.Those-who-do-not-see-even-after-seeing)
पाठ 10. संसार पुस्तक है (Lesson 10. The world is a book)
पाठ 11. मैं सबसे छोटी होऊं (Lesson 11. May I be the youngest)
पाठ 12. लोकगीत (Lesson 12. Folklore)
पाठ 13. नौकर (Lesson 13. Servant)
पाठ 14. वन के मार्ग में (Lesson 14. On the way to the forest)
Hindi Durva 
पाठ 1. कलम (Lesson 1. Pen)
पाठ 2. किताब (Lesson 2. Book)
पाठ 3. घर (Lesson 3. Home)
पाठ 4. पतंग (Lesson 4. Kite)
पाठ 5. भालू (Lesson 5. Bear)
पाठ 6. झरना (Lesson 6. Waterfall)
पाठ 7. धनुष (Lesson 7. Bow)
पाठ 8. रुमाल (Lesson 8. Handkerchief)
पाठ 9. कक्षा (Lesson 9. Class)
पाठ 10. गुब्बारा (Lesson 10. Balloon)
पाठ 11. पर्वत (Lesson 11. Mountains)
पाठ 12. हमारा घर (Lesson 12. Our House)
पाठ 13. कपडे की दूकान (Lesson 13. Clothing Store)
पाठ 14. फूल (Lesson 14. Flowers)
पाठ 15. बातचीत (Lesson 15. Conversation)
पाठ 16. शिलॉन्ग से फ़ोन (Lesson 16. Phone from Shillong)
पाठ 17. तितली (Lesson 17. Butterfly)
पाठ 18. ईश्वरचंद्र विद्यासागर (Lesson 18. Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar)
पाठ 19. प्रदर्शनी (Lesson.19 Exhibition)
पाठ 20. चिट्ठी (Lesson 20. Letter)
पाठ 21. अंगुलिमाल (Lesson 21. Angulimala)
पाठ 22. यात्रा की तैयारी (Lesson 22. Preparing for the trip)
पाठ 23. हाथी (Lesson 23. Elephant)
पाठ 24. डॉक्टर (Lesson 24. Doctor)
पाठ 26. बढे चलो (Lesson 26. Let’s move forward)
पाठ 27. ब्यर्थ की शंका (Lesson 27. Suspicion of worthlessness)
पाठ 28. गधा और सियार (Lesson 28. The Donkey and the Jackal)
Hindi Bal Ramkatha
पाठ 1. अवधपुरी में राम (Lesson 1. Ram in Avadhpuri)
पाठ 2. जंगल और जनकपुर (Lesson 2. Jungle and Janakpur)
पाठ 3. दो वरदान (Lesson 3. Two Blessings)
पाठ 4. राम का वन गमन (Lesson 4. Ram’s journey to the forest)
पाठ 5. चित्रकूट में भरत (Lesson 5. Bharat in Chitrakoot)
पाठ 6. दंडक वन में दस वर्ष (Lesson 6. Ten Years in the Dandaka Forest)
पाठ 7. सोने का हिरन (Lesson 7. The Golden Reindeer)
पाठ 8. सीता की खोज (Lesson 8. Search for Sita)
पाठ 9. राम और सुग्रीव (Lesson 9. Ram and Sugriva)
पाठ 10. लंका में हनुमान (Lesson 10. Hanuman in Lanka)
पाठ 11. लंका विजय (Lesson 11. Conquest of Lanka)
पाठ 12. राम का राज्याभिषेक (Lesson 12. Coronation of Ram)


अध्याय 1. शब्द परिचयः 1(Chapter 1. Introduction to Words 1)
अध्याय 2. शब्द परिचयः 2 (Chapter 2. Introduction to Words 2)
अध्याय 3. शब्द परिचयः 3 (Chapter 3. Introduction to Words 3)
अध्याय 4. विद्यालयः (Chapter 4. School)
अध्याय 5. वृक्षाः (Chapter 5. Tree)
अध्याय 6. समुद्रतटः (Chapter 6. Beach)
अध्याय 7. बकस्य प्रतिकारः (Chapter 7. Baksya Pratyaksha)
अध्याय 8. सूक्तिस्तबकः (Chapter 8. Suktistabkah)
अध्याय 9. क्रीडास्पर्धा (Chapter 9. Sports Competition)
अध्याय 10. कृषिकाः कर्मवीराः (Chapter 10. Krishikaah Karmaveeraah)
अध्याय 11. दशमः त्वम असि (Chapter 11. Dashamah Tvam Asi)
अध्याय 12. विमानयानं रचयाम (Chapter 12. Vimanayanam Rachayam)
अध्याय 13. अहह आः च (Chapter 13. Ahh Ahh Ch)
English – Honeysuckle
Chapter 1. Who Did Patrick’s Homework
Chapter 2. How the Dog Found Himself a New Master!
Chapter 3. Taro’s Reward
Chapter 4. An Indian American Woman in Space Kalpana Chawla
Chapter 5. A Different Kind of School
Chapter 6. Who I Am
Chapter 7. Fair Play
Chapter 8. The Banyan Tree
English(Supplementary)  – A Pact with the Sun
Chapter 1. A Tale of Two Birds
Chapter 2. The Friendly Mongoose
Chapter 3. The Shepherd’s Treasure
Chapter 4. Tansen
Chapter 5. The Monkey and the Crocodile
Chapter 6. The Wonder Called Sleep
Chapter 7. A Pact with the Sun


Chapter 1. Knowing Our Numbers
Chapter 2. Whole Numbers
Chapter 3. Playing With Numbers
Chapter 4. Basic Geometrical Ideas
Chapter 5. Understanding Elementary Shapes
Chapter 6. Integers
Chapter 7. Fractions
Chapter 8. Decimals
Chapter 9. Data Handling
Chapter 10. Mensuration
Chapter 11. Algebra
Chapter 12. Ratio and Proportion
Chapter 1. Components of Food
Chapter 2. Sorting Materials and Groups
Chapter 3. Separation of Substances
Chapter 4. Getting to Know Plants
Chapter 5. Body Movement
Chapter 6. The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitats
Chapter 7. Motion and Measurement of Distances
Chapter 8. Light, Shadows and Reflections
Chapter 9. Electricity and Circuits
Chapter 10. Fun with Magnets
Chapter 11. Air Around Us
Social Science (History)
Chapter 1. What Where, How and When
Chapter 2. From Hunting – Gathering to Growing Food
Chapter 3. In the Earliest Cities
Chapter 4. What Books and Burials Tell Us
Chapter 5. Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic
Chapter 6. New Questions and Ideas
Chapter 7. From a Kingdom to an Empire
Chapter 8. Villages, Towns and Trades
Chapter 9. New Empires and Kingdoms
Chapter 10. Buildings, Paintings and Books
Social Science (Geography)
Chapter 1. The Earth in the Solar System
Chapter 2. Globe Latitudes and Longitudes
Chapter 3. Motions of the Earth
Chapter 4. Maps
Chapter 5. Major Domains of the Earth
Chapter 6. Our Country – India
Social Science (Political Science)
Chapter 1. Understanding Diversity
Chapter 2. Diversity and Discrimination
Chapter 3. What is Government
Chapter 4. Panchayati Raj
Chapter 5. Rural Administration
Chapter 6. Urban Administration
Chapter 7. Rural Livelihoods
Chapter 8. Urban Livelihoods

Important of NCERT Books 

In the field of education, these books are the most significant books for students, parents, and educators. Here are some important points of these books are following:

  • These books are recommended by Government of India.
  • Most educational authorities use NCERT Study Materials at the state and national levels.
  • These books are aligned with the relevant curriculum conducted by CBSE Board.
  • All these books are available in multiple languages.
  • These books often include activities, exercises, and questions to encourage active learning and critical thinking among students.
  • They provides Supplementary Resources for better education

Tips to Enhance NCERT Books

These books improve learning and require more than just reading. Here are some practical tips to enhance your study sessions:

  • Active Reading
  • Use Supplementary Resources
  • Draw your Mind Map
  • Practice Exercises
  • Join educational Discussion Groups
  • Regular Revision


You can use these Books in every field of educational institutions (elementary to higher secondary level). If you want to prepare for any competitive exams like IIT, NEET, UPSC, or SSC, that time you can also relate to these books.

FAQs for “NCERT Books Class 6”

Q1. What are NCERT Books for Class 6?

Answer: NCERT Books for Class 6 are textbooks developed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in India. These books cover a range of subjects and are widely used by students across the country for their CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) and other state board exams.

Q2. Why are NCERT Books important for Class 6 students?

Answer: NCERT Books are important for Class 6 students because they provide a solid foundation in key subjects. These books are designed to follow the CBSE curriculum and syllabus, ensuring that students receive accurate and relevant information.

Q3. Are NCERT Books enough for Class 6 board exams?

Answer: NCERT Books are considered a crucial resource for board exam preparation. They cover the CBSE syllabus comprehensively and provide a strong base for understanding concepts.

Q4. Are NCERT Books sufficient for competitive exams after Class 6?

Answer: Yes, these NCERT Books provide a solid foundation, competitive exams like JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) and NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) require deeper understanding and extensive practice.

Q5. Can I download NCERT Books for Class 6 online?

Answer: Yes, NCERT Books for Class 6 are available for free download on the official NCERT website as well as various educational resources.